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“Let’s PASS” is a dynamic and transformative initiative that challenges existing narratives surrounding disabilities in the performing arts. It serves as a rallying cry for change, urging a fresh perspective and greater inclusivity. At its core, the project aims to address the underrepresentation and limited visibility of artists and audiences with cognitive and sensory disabilities within live performances and the broader realm of performing arts.

Key Points

Project Name: “Let’s PASS” (Promoting Accessible Shows)

Objective: To promote accessibility, engagement, and visibility for individuals with cognitive and sensory disabilities in the performing arts.

Funding: Co-funded by the Creative Europe Program of the European Union.

Lead Coordinator: Fondazione Arturo Toscanini (Italy)
Partner Organizations:
ACCAC (Finland)
En Dynamei (Greece)
Studio Citadela (Czech Republic)

Through innovative strategies, artistic collaborations, and community involvement, “Let’s PASS” seeks to create a more inclusive and vibrant cultural landscape. By dismantling barriers and amplifying voices, it aims to transform the performing arts into an arena where everyone can participate and thrive.

We are all unique individuals with different physical characteristics, personalities, backgrounds, beliefs, sexual orientations, and abilities. However, we are also similar because we all have a genetic code, place of birth, and individual talents and preferences. Each of us has their own identity, which makes us stand out from others. It is the diversity among us that makes us equal and special as individuals and also allows us to work together effectively as a group.


In the PASS project, we see diversity as a value, an opportunity for growth for the individual and the community. We want to think about a new way of performing arts where everyone can feel like leading players: all artists should be able to express their art without blocks or barriers and everyone should be able to access live performances.


Partners will create a European highly accessible and multidisciplinary pilot performance using assistive technologies and combining music, theater, dance and visual arts involving artists with disabilities in the creative process. The project will start with an analysis and mapping of needs and good practices in tables with representatives of institutions, schools and associations to draw up guidelines for the creation of accessible performances.


Partners will develop a co-creation process with disabled artists and primary school pupils to create a pilot performance with technologies and integrated artistic languages. The process includes experimental workshops with schools, artistic residencies and staff trainings on accessibility requirements. The show will make its debut in Italy in March 2025 and will tour in all partner countries.


The main output will be a reference model of a multidisciplinary accessible performance with an inclusive multimedia programme and guidelines for the creation of highly accessible performances.




The thematic topic of the performance will be the Celebration of Life:
«How do you celebrate life? What do you celebrate with your life and what is that permits us to celebrate life? What would you do if it was the last day of the world?».
Every partner will work creatively on this topic, after the discussion and common decision on the overall approach and aesthetic of the performance.



  • Developing the capacity of performing arts operators in to create accessible artistic contents
  • Creating permanent multi-stakeholder confrontation on accessibility in arts
  • Increasing acknowledgement and mobility of performances with artists with disabilities in Europe
  • Raising the audience with a focus on children with sensory and cognitive disabilities



  • Increased skills and employability of artists with disabilities
  • Enhanced interested and participation of children in creativity and performing arts
  • Boosted capacity of cultural organisations to cooperate for joint artistic works with high social value
  • Co-create guidelines for the creation of highly accessible performances



  • Project Start Date: 1st of January 2024
  • Project Duration: 25 months
  • Subject: Creative Europe Programme (CREA)

Phase 1


Each partner, working with stakeholders, the disabled communities, cultural operators, technicians and school professionals, will collect information on needs and possible solutions. Partners will highlight problems faced by disabiled people and possible solutions to be implemented in live venues and shows.

Phase 2

Artistic online residency and live shows

A team of artists and a coach will participate in some online artistic residency, with the aim of setting up a performative show capable of involving people with different types of disability. The show will be represented in 4 live shows. The event will also make it possible to collect feedback from the public on the functioning of the implemented solutions and their experience of the show itself.

Phase 3


The partners evaluate the impact and feasibility of the implemented measures, establish a list of barriers that can be eliminated and suggest solutions to address live event problems. The list of Suggestions will be disseminated through the European network. A follow-up of the dissemination objectives will show the analysis of the impact of the functioning of the practices implemented and their replicability in other shows. The final evaluation of the project will allow for post-project dissemination in multiple locations and the possibility of addressing barriers and problems in the use of live shows, linked to other types of disabilities.

Phase 4

Creation of an accessibility network

PASS is a starting point, a way to demonstrate that it is possible to involve disabled artists in a live performance that is truly accessible to all. Immediately after the first results of the study and after collecting feedback during the live events, the intention is to create a network to replicate the performance model developed during PASS.